Service and Meeting Times

Main Services and Meetings

We meet twice on a Sunday and hold a number of meetings during the week.


11:00 AM
Morning Service & Breaking of Bread

- Preceded by a time of prayer at 10:20 AM -

3:00 PM
Sunday School & JYC

- September to May for all pre-school to secondary school aged -

7:00 PM
Gospel Service

Preceded by a time of prayer at 6:20 PM and
community singing at 6:50 PM

During the week

8:00 PM • Bible Class

- October to April only-


8:00 PM • Prayer Meeting



10:00 AM • Mums & Tots

3:30 PM • Silver Threads

6:45 PM • Good News Club

- September to March only -

8:15 PM • Baptist Youth Fellowship

- September to May only -

Church Calendar

You can find a full listing of everything that's happening at the church in the calendar below. You can click on an event to see more details about it.

Calendar of Events

S Sun

M Mon

T Tue

W Wed

T Thu

F Fri

S Sat

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About our Services

Sunday morning

At 11 am every Sunday morning the assembly gathers for worship and to listen to an exposition of God’s Word.

The focus of the ministry in this service is to feed God’s people and to equip them for living a God-glorifying life.

The climax of this time together is when we meet around the Lord’s table to remember the Saviour’s sacrifice on the cross.

Sunday evening

At 7 pm each Sunday evening we gather again to proclaim the gospel message. These meetings are convened to help those who have not put their faith in the Lord Jesus to come to a clearer understanding of the gospel and the desire is that people will respond by coming to Christ for salvation.

These meetings will normally have a guest singer who will minister the gospel by song and singing plays an important part in these meetings with a period of community singing at the outset of the meeting.

If you would like to know more about the gospel you will be made very welcome on a Sunday Night.

Tuesday evening

October to April only

In the autumn and winter months, we meet again on a Tuesday night at 8 pm for a more in-depth study of God’s Word. This meeting is referred to as the Bible Class or Bible Study.

If you want to learn more about God’s Word you would be welcome to join us Tuesday by Tuesday.

Thursday evening

On a Thursday night at 8 pm, the assembly meets to pray corporately. The Bible has a strong emphasis on the need for God’s people to be in prayer.

We recognise that we have a deep need for God’s help and so we set time aside each week to seek Him in prayer.

"And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence"

Colossians 1:18

Get in Touch

You can contact us below, and someone will get back to you by email