We have several full-time CEF workers in our church, and some that we financially support in Europe. You can read about their work below.
Here we hear from Gareth Gwynne about the work of CEF in the local area and beyond.
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Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne
Gareth and Lindsay are Local Area Workers for CEF in County Armagh. There are many aspects to the role as they participate in a wide variety of ministries. Throughout the autumn and winter months they are involved in running local Good News Clubs, Junior Youth Challenge, school assemblies and monthly teacher training classes.
In spring and summer the main ministries include 5-Day Clubs®, Holiday Bible Clubs and camp. Gareth and Lindsay have also developed a specialised schools project called Crossfire: Not Ashamed. This was developed for the P7 classes and covers anti-bullying, gaming awareness and the gospel.
They are also involved in children’s days, promotional meetings and training programmes. Throughout everything they do they also rely on many volunteers, and the common aim is to reach children in the local community with the wonderful news of the gospel and to encourage and disciple Christian children.
Read Gareth & Lindsay's bio
We serve full time with Child Evangelism Fellowship and are currently serving God in the County Armagh area. We commenced our role as Local Workers in Armagh on 1 st September 2007.
Prior to coming into full-time ministry Gareth was a building surveyor and Lindsay a nursery nurse but we both volunteered with C.E.F in East Belfast where we are originally from and have always had the desire to teach children the wonderful news of the Gospel.
We firmly believe that children of all ages can understand and put their trust in the Lord Jesus and as a family, we know that to be true first hand as Gareth became a Christian at the age of 11yrs, Lindsay at 7yrs and James at 3yrs.
Within the ministry, there is a wide variety of responsibilities we are involved in, some of which are: teacher training classes, Good News Clubs, Holiday Bible Clubs, 5 Day Clubs, School Assemblies, Crossfire: Not Ashamed, Camps, administrative duties and much more.
We count it a joy and privilege to be able to serve alongside the local churches and many volunteers to see more children reached with the Gospel message.
Matthew Ch18 Vs14 “Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in
heaven, that one of these little ones should perish.”
Andrew McNabb
Andrew is the Office Manager for the CEF National Office in Belfast. He has responsibility for nine of the members of staff who work there in a variety of roles (finance, sales, logistics, administration, graphics and illustration).
Andrew works to ensure staff contracts, handbooks and policies are up to date, IT and printing systems are working, the building is in good condition, relationships with contractors and suppliers are maintained, and that workers on the field are fully resourced by the National Office.
He also spends some time serving in Ministry Development, which involves overseeing interns and placement students, maintaining the CEF of Ireland website and social media, and promoting the work at conferences and events.
Sign up to receive Andrew’s prayer email at www.cefireland.com/mcnabbprayeremail
Colin & Victoria Hylands
Victoria is the Good News Club Curriculum Co-ordinator, working with others in CEF Europe to produce materials for all the Good News Clubs. This involves writing lessons, producing resource packs and ensuring that materials are provided in time for teachers.
She is also responsible for producing seasonal lessons and camp materials for CEF workers.
Colin is responsible for CEF Youth Challenge ministry. This involves providing materials for Junior Youth Challenge (JYC) and Senior Youth Challenge (SYC) groups. He organises a number of national events throughout the year and produces all of the resources necessary for these.
He is also responsible for organising opportunities for young people to serve locally and overseas, and is involved in producing materials and conducting training for CEF workers in other countries.
Iulian & Anca Mangalagiu
Iulian and Anca, together with their 3 children (Yasmina, Eduard and Eric) live and serve the Lord in Iasi, Romania. They were the leaders of CEF of Romania until December 2019 and were involved in many projects that enabled children in Romania to hear the gospel through the team of 60 full-time workers serving within the country.
From 1 January 2020, they have been used of God in ministering at a European level. Iulian is assistant to the European Director and together they are involved in teacher training, direct ministries and working with other national leaders.
They are also very involved in innovative projects such as websites, apps and online radio projects for reaching children with the gospel.
They have been blessed by the support from the Lurgan Baptist family over the years and praise God for His provision as they serve.
Cosmin & Tatiana Brezoaie
Cosmin and Tatiana, together with their 3 children (Robert, Rebeca and Naomi) live and serve the Lord in Buzau county, Romania. They joined CEF in 1998 and have been serving the Lord in this difficult part of the country since then. They have the joy of reaching over 4,000 children with the gospel each year. Many of those children are reached through weekly Good News Clubs.
Cosmin & Tatiana are involved in teacher training, Good News Clubs, camps and many other activities.
Considering the few believers or churches in this area, it has been remarkable what God has done through them.
The support from Lurgan Baptist has been a great encouragement to them as it is so challenging to raise support in their own area.
Tibi & Angela Virág
Tibi and Angela, together with their 3 children (Abigail, Anita and Annabella) live and serve the Lord with CEF near Szeged, Hungary. Until 2019, they were serving the Hungarian speaking community from Romania. However, in 2020 they moved to live and serve in Hungary. They are doing the same ministry but from a different location.
Tibi & Angela are very involved in producing materials for teachers and children in the Hungarian language. They have their own Good News Clubs in the area and help co-ordinate the literature ministry for CEF in Central Europe.
On behalf of CEF of Romania, we want to thank the church in Lurgan for their generosity and partnership in the gospel.
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